Leveres inklusiv cover!

The Rolls Royce of classic sunshades
This wooden sunshade has something that enchants many people: nostalgic charm! Characteristic features of the TEAKWOOD are fine materials such as natural teak wood, rustproof metal fittings and corner mounts reinforced with leather as well a double pulley system. The excellent workmanship for these fine materials may have been time-consuming and labour-intensive, but nothing could be simpler than the TEAKWOOD's operation. Simply pull on the double pulley system and fix the slide with a metal pin to set the canopy like the sail of a fine yacht.

Der er flere muligheder for farvevalg end vist her. HUSK – farveforskelle kan forekomme fra PC til virkelighed.

Kom og oplev Teakwood og andre Glatz parasoller hos Danmarks største forhandler af eksklusive havemøbler, parasoller, krukker og accessories. Besøg vores 6.000 kvm oase i det idylliske Karlebo – vi glæder os til at se dig!

UV protection illustrationAll GLATZ sunshade fabric covers carry the “ UVPROTECTION ” testing label: The percentage indicated on the label is derived from the UPF rating and calculated on the basis of the data determined by the Swiss accredited test laboratory SQTS using the following formula: PERCENTAGE = 100 – 100 / UPF ( SQTS ) In other words: if 99 per cent of the harmful UV rays are filtered out by the fabric, only 1 per cent – i.e. one hundredth – can penetrate it and reach the skin. As a result, with GLATZ’s UV protection it takes 100 times for the skin to absorb the same dose of radiation than without UV protection. This factor of a hundred is defined as the sun protection factor.


Teakwood parasol - The Rolls Royce

fås i 3 størrelser og flere kvaliteter

16.499,00 kr
Vælg størrelse:
Stofkollektion: Carmine 403
Se alle farver og materialer - Glatz

Gratis levering og opsætning. *

(Vi medtager naturligvis al emballage)

Gratis fragt ved køb for minimum:

  • Sjælland: 1.000 dkr.
  • Jylland, Fyn: 3.000 dkr.
  • Sydsverige: 10.000 dkr.

Under disse beløb er fragtprisen:

  • Sjælland: 150 dkr.
  • Jylland, Fyn: 350 dkr.
  • Sydsverige: 1.500 dkr.

Fragtes af Scheel-Larsen bilen eller Fragtmænd fra DSV

Danmarks førende forhandler af eksklusive havemøbler.

(Vi er et gammelt familieejet selskab, der har eksisteret siden 1924. )

Besøg vores 6.000 kvm store udendørsoase.

( bestående af havemøbler, krukker, parasoller, lanterner mm. )

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