Gloster protective covers are made from Weathermax, a heavy duty 100% solution dyed polyester material. Weathermax is a performance cover material combining UV resistance, water resistance, breathability and durability. The ability of the fabric to breathe is essential in reducing dampness, heat build-up and condensation. This in turn reduces the chances of problems such as mould or mildew becoming present on the furniture underneath.

With typical attention to detail, each cover is tailored to the unique dimensions of our product, ensuring a perfect fit. As well as covers for individual items, we also offer covers for all our stacking chairs, meaning that a single cover can be used for a stack of four chairs. For our modular furniture collections, adjacent covers are designed to zip and Velcro together so the entire set can be covered without the need to separate each item. All covers feature either a strap-and-clip connector or ties to ensure security against wind. 

Kom og oplev de mange  Gloster produkter hos Danmarks største Gloster forhandler. Besøg vores 6.000 kvm store krukke- og havemøbeloase i det idylliske Karlebo – vi glæder os til at se dig!


Protective covers, 180-serien

1.699,00 kr

Gratis levering og opsætning. *

(Vi medtager naturligvis al emballage)

Gratis fragt ved køb for minimum:

  • Sjælland: 1.000 dkr.
  • Jylland, Fyn: 3.000 dkr.
  • Sydsverige: 10.000 dkr.

Under disse beløb er fragtprisen:

  • Sjælland: 150 dkr.
  • Jylland, Fyn: 350 dkr.
  • Sydsverige: 1.500 dkr.

Fragtes af Scheel-Larsen bilen eller Fragtmænd fra DSV

Danmarks førende forhandler af eksklusive havemøbler.

(Vi er et gammelt familieejet selskab, der har eksisteret siden 1924. )

Besøg vores 6.000 kvm store udendørsoase.

( bestående af havemøbler, krukker, parasoller, lanterner mm. )

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