Udtænkt som en bro mellem skarpt minimalistisk design og storstilet luksus, forener Grid funktionalitet og diskret design til et enkelt, defineret element. Grids modulære format er den perfekte løsning til dybt komfortable siddepladser i en stilfuld verden og nyder nu fordel af tilføjelsen af et udvalg af afslappede spiseartikler. Et par sofaer, enten med eller uden arm kombineres med et stilfuldt, piedestal spisebord med teak- eller keramikplade.
Kom og oplev Grid dining og alle de andre Gloster produkter hos Danmarks største forhandler af eksklusive havemøbler, parasoller, krukker og accessories. Besøg vores 6.000 kvm oase i det idylliske Karlebo – vi glæder os til at se dig!
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En blød landing med strukturerede og taktile overflader, og berøring af forskellige materialer er alle faktorer, der er vigtige for Gloster og os. At vælge de rigtige stoffer og kombinere de rigtige farver er afgørende for det rigtige resultat – så vi bestræber os på at få vores stofkollektions farve koordineret på tværs af de enkelte temaer, hvilket gør det nemt for dig at mikse og matche, som du kan lide det.
Sailing Seagul
Sailing Seagul
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Cameron Granite
Cameron Granite
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Cameron Anthracite
Cameron Anthracite
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Blend Sand
Blend Sand
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Blend Linen
Blend Linen
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Blend Fog
Blend Fog
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Blend Coal
Blend Coal
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Blend Clay
Blend Clay
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Blend Latte
Blend Latte
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Willa Parchment
Willa Parchment
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Willa Sky
Willa Sky
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Willa Snow
Willa Snow
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Heritage Ashe
Heritage Ashe
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a
soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most
luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor
furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric
cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum. -
Heritage Sable
Heritage Sable
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Robben Grey
Robben Grey
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Robben Charcoal
Robben Charcoal
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Loom 3 Castlerock
Loom 3 Castlerock
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Lopi Marble
Lopi Marble
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Lopi Charcoal
Lopi Charcoal
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Zenith Dune
Zenith Dune
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Zenith Wren
Zenith Wren
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Grade B - Water resistant fabrics
For maximum water resistance, a selection of Sunbrella® Rain cover fabrics features a water-resistant coating that is applied to the back face, helping prevent water travelling beyond the surface of the fabric. Although not offering quite the same soft hand as our other fabrics, these water-resistant fabrics are very practical and quick drying. The fillings inside the cushion are engineered using open cell materials to allow for maximum air circulation, helping to speed up the drying process even further.
Grade B - Outdoor performance fabrics
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Grade C - Outdoor performance fabrics
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, our Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.